Coral Tools Case Study

Coral Tools Ltd is the nation’s leading supplier of painting tools. Their mission is to make it as easy as possible for people to improve their surroundings by creating innovative, inspiring and affordable products.


What did they want to achieve?

Coral were originally using an EDI service that wasn’t compatible with their back-office/ERP system, Access Dimensions. Access Dimensions then recommended us as an EDI provider that specialises in seamless integration, and the rest is history.

Matthew Page, Managing Director at Coral Tools, says, “We were worried about taking on large accounts, because the process of setting up a new EDI connection seemed over complicated, uncertain and confusing. We wanted our new EDI provider to eliminate that worry.”





Coral Tools now have a fully integrated, managed and reliable EDI service

Previously, Coral Tools had EDI software that sat on a server in their office. There was always an element of risk with a physical server and sometimes they wouldn’t receive orders – a costly error.


Now, they have access to our secure, cloud-based system, Netix Flow that integrates directly with their existing Access Dimensions. One element that stood out for Coral Tools was our support, any issues are resolved with a quick email and an expert reply.

Matthew says, “The support is the best thing about you guys. For example, we recently had a problem with one of our trading partners that meant EDI  messages hadn’t gone through. You quickly identified that the issue was with our partner’s system, rather than ours, and provided a solution. The support was superb. You’re so fast at responding, sometimes it feels like you’re part of the company!”

If you’d like to know more about how we can transform your business to business processes, just get in touch today.